Thursday, June 13, 2013

The Journey Begins

I am en route to Quito, Ecuador.  My day began this morning at 3:00am!  I was able to get a whole three hours of sleep; luckily I was able to sleep on my first flight from Minneapolis to Miami.  I am currently in the Miami airport waiting for my flight to leave after being delayed for two hours.  I will be arriving in Quito at 9:00pm and will hopefully be meeting my group there once I get to the airport.  Traveling by myself has been an adventure so far.  A lot of my interactions since I have been in Miami have been in Spanish which has been wonderful but also challenging.  One of the agents that helped me with my connecting flight told me that I spoke Spanish well.  That was comforting to hear especially since it is easy to feel inadequate when you aren’t speaking your native language.

I have an answer to prayer.  I am officially fully supported!  I am so thankful for all of your support and prayers in making this goal a reality.  I am looking forward to this trip.  It finally is real to me that I am going!

Below is a picture of my with my luggage before embarking on my adventure as well as my mom and I!